外国人 驾校 东莞哪里好一点

1. It lights to indicate that ______

A. the front fan works

B. air external circulation

C. windscreen defroster

D. air internal circulation


2. Turn on the left-turn signal in advance when making a U turn on the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. The vehicle is allowed to pass the intersection ahead when the green light on.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. When a vehicle on the main road approaches a conjunction with a feeder road, the driver should ______ in order to prevent a collision with a vehicle that suddenly enters from the feeder road.

A. Maintain the normal speed

B. Reduce speed in advance, observe and drive with care

C. Honk and swiftly pass

D. Speed up in advance and pass


5. When changing lanes on an expressway, the driver should turn on the turn signal in advance, observe the traffic conditions, and slowly turn the steering wheel and enter the new lane after making sure it is safe to do so.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. When a vehicle goes uphill on a mountain road, it should change to a lower gear in a timely, accurate and rapid manner so as to avoid a situation in which driving at a high gear can reduce the power of the engine.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Which is correct if a vehicle breaks down and is difficult to move?

A. turn on the hazard lights

B. turn on all the lights of the vehicle

C. forbid the passengers to get off

D. place a warning sign in front of the vehicle


8. When a vehicle goes downhill, the driver should properly control the speed and fully use the engine to brake.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. If a vehicle may encounter a vehicle coming in the opposite direction in the course of overtaking, the driver should speed up in advance and overtake.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. lane information indication

B. road branching point ahead

C. place and distance indication

D. intersection ahead


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass from left side

B. continuous curves

C. sharp left curve

D. sharp right curve


12. When a vehicle passes a curve on a mountain road, the driver should reduce speed, honk and stick to the right.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. downhill section on right side

B. driving by the right side of the road

C. stopping by the right side of the road

D. right turn only


14. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if it is suspected of using the label of inspection from other vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. left curve or need to merge with the left flow ahead

B. right curve or need to merge with the right flow ahead

C. merge with the left flow due to right side obstacle ahead

D. left curve or need to bypass from left side ahead


16. When reversing on an ordinary road and discovering some vehicles are passing, the driver should _________.

A. Honk to indicate the intention

B. Voluntarily stop and yield

C. Speed up and reverse

D. Continue to reverse


17. When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should ________.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Stop immediately

C. Honk to indicate the pedestrians to yield

D. Observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, make sure it is safe before passing


18. At this position, the motorized vehicle can continue to go through if the front wheels have passed the stop line.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is _______.

A. The traffic conditions are boring

B. The slopes are long, the curves are sharp and visibility range is shorter.

C. The traffic flow is heavy

D. The road signs are fewer


20. When encountering a vehicle coming in the opposite direction on a mountain road, the driver should ______ when crossing each other.

A. Not reduce speed

B. Stick to the center of the road

C. Speed up

D. Reduce speed or stop to yield


21. A rear tire blowout can sway the tail of the vehicle. The driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle go straight, reduce speed and then stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no going straight and no changing to left lane

B. no going straight and no left turn

C. allowed to go straight and change to left lane

D. no going straight and no right turn


23. Which is incorrect when a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway?

A. place warning sign as required

B. passengers cannot get off

C. call the police at once

D. turn on the hazard lights


24. Which part of the driver can be protected by the safety pillow when there is a rear-end collision?

A. waist

B. chest

C. head

D. neck


25. The driver who chases and races while driving on the road, and commits serious acts is subject to ______

A. a prison term of 6 months

B. a prison term of more than 1 year

C. a criminal restriction and a fine

D. a criminal detention and a fine
