
1. For a driver who drivers a commercial motor vehicle after drinking, besides being detained by the traffic management department of the public security organ till he/she sobers up, what will he/she be subject to?

A. Temporary detainment of the motor vehicle

B. Temporary detainment of the driving license

C. Revocation of the motor vehicle driving license

D. He/she will be banned from driving for life


2. What is the max speed on this city road?

A. 30km/hr

B. 40km/hr

C. 50km/hr

D. 70km/hr


3. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, the driver should ____ due to low visibility.

A. Turn on the head light and keep driving

B. Turn on the contour light, fog light and drive along the right side

C. Turn on the hazard lights and keep driving

D. Turn on the hazard lights, fog light, and stop at a safe place


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. special car park

B. uncovered car park

C. indoor car park

D. internal car park


5. What marking are the white broken lines in the circles?

A. small vehicles turning lines

B. lane connection lines

C. non-motorized vehicles guide lines

D. intersection guide line


6. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles


7. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. an unmanned level crossing 150m ahead

B. an unmanned level crossing 100m ahead

C. a manned level crossing 100m ahead

D. a manned level crossing 150m ahead


8. Pull down the switch of the turn signal, right-turn signal is on.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. When there is a continuous rain, the shoulders of the mountain roads may become loose and the embankments may collapse. When driving in this weather, the driver should select the middle solid road and refrain from going close to the roadsides.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. A person whose driving license has been destroyed cannot drive a motorized vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no going straight and no changing to left lane

B. no going straight and no left turn

C. allowed to go straight and turn left

D. no going straight and no right turn


12. What device does the switch of this symbol control?

A. the windscreen defrosting or defogging

B. the rear window wiper and washer

C. the windscreen wiper and washer

D. the rear window defrosting or defogging


13. This sign reminds overflowing road or overflowing bridge ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. When a vehicle reaches a muddy or burst-and-muddy section, the driver should stop,observe and select the level and solid section or the section with vehicle tracks.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if the driver does not carry the IDcard.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no yielding

B. yield while crossing each other

C. reduce speed and yield

D. stop to yield


17. Within how long should a driver whose information has changed apply for new license?

A. 30 days

B. 40 days

C. 50 days

D. 60 days


18. Whats the meaning of the white solid line in the middle of the road?

A. unilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

B. same direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed

C. bilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

D. opposite direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed


19. ABS system can maximize the braking efficiency when conducting _______

A. braking intermittently

B. braking continuously

C. applying emergency braking

D. gently depressing the brake pedal


20. When running on an expressway, the driver should ____ if he has missed the exit.

A. Reverse to the original place

B. Continue to go ahead and find the next exit

C. Immediately stop

D. Make a U turn from where he is


21. When discovering a road congestion ahead, the correct way to deal with this situation is to _______.

A. Continue to weave through

B. Find space and overtake one vehicle after another

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in front to speed up

D. Stop and wait in line


22. What does the traffic light mean?

A. no right turn

B. intersection warning

C. going straight is allowed

D. speed up and pass


23. When crossing each other on a narrow road, the driver should slow down, yield and stop first.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. The main impact of the road conditions at night on safe driving is ________.

A. The visibility is low and unfavorable for observing road traffic conditions

B. The road surface is complex and changing

C. The physical strength of the driver decreases

D. The driver can easily have impulse and illusion


25. What is this instrument?

A. water temperature meter

B. fuel meter

C. ammeter

D. pressure meter
