
1. Rear fog light lights when the light switch is at this position.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. What does this symbol indicate?

A. snowy starting mode

B. air circulation

C. air condition cooling mode

D. cooling or warming fan


3. This sign warns the driver there is school area ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. When a vehicle wades across the water, the driver should maintain a low speed, and _____ the brake pedal so as to restore the braking efficiency.

A. Continuously and strongly depress

B. Intermittently and strongly depress

C. Continuously and gently depress

D. Intermittently and gently depress


5. It lights to indicate that ______

A. ABS system malfunction

B. handbrake is released

C. braking system malfunction

D. safety bags malfunction


6. When the driver is suspected of drinking or drunk in a traffic accident, preserve the scene and immediately report to the police.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. This sign warns slippery road ahead and running slowly with care.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. If a driver has driven a motorized vehicle for more than four hours running, he should stop the vehicle and rest for at least ____________.

A. 10 minutes

B. 15 minutes

C. 20 minutes

D. 5 minutes


9. When the vehicles cross each other at night, the driver may continuous change lights to remind the vehicle coming in the opposite direction and at the same should reduce speed and go forward or stop on the right side.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. A motorized vehicle driver who drives after drinking is subject to a 12-point penalty.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. What kind of violation does this stopping car have?

A. stop occupying the lane for non-motorized vehicles

B. stop in the section with no stopping marking

C. stop at bus station

D. stop occupying sidewalk


12. What will be subject to if submitting false materials to apply for driving license?

A. a 20~200 yuan fine

B. disqualification for applying for

C. cannot re-apply for within 1 year

D. cannot re-apply for within 2 years


13. When running on the road having maximum speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. hump bridge

B. high outburst road

C. low-lying road

D. bump road


15. It lights to indicate that ______

A. engine compartment is opened

B. cover of fuel tank is opened

C. doors of both sides are opened

D. luggage compartment is opened


16. A motorized vehicle driver who escapes or commits other extremely serious acts after causing a major accident in violation of the traffic regulations is subject to a prison term of more than 7 years.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. This sign indicates jammed section ahead and passing slowly.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. If a motorized vehicle driver chases and races while driving on road, commits serious acts, the driver is subject to a prison term of less than 3 years.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. A motorized vehicle driver who drives after drinking is subject to a ________.

A. 3-point penalty

B. 2-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


20. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway, the driver should place a warning sign 50 meters ~ 100 meters in the coming direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong


21. It lights to indicate that ______

A. the floor and the front fans work

B. air internal circulation

C. air external circulation

D. the side and the floor fans work


22. When the green light at a congested intersection is on, the vehicles _______.

A. May directly enter the intersection

B. Cannot enter the intersection

C. May pass the intersection by borrowing the opposite lane

D. Enter the intersection if it is safe to do so


23. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. stopping temporarily is allowed

B. long stopping is allowed

C. no long stopping

D. no stopping


24. When a vehicle changes lane, the driver should turn on the turn signal and rapidly enter the new lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong


25. If the license plate of a motorized vehicle has been destroyed, the owner of the vehicle should apply for reissuing or changing to the vehicle management station at the registration place.

A. Right

B. Wrong
