
1. A person who has the expired driving license can drive motorized vehicle within 1 year.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. For a driver who drivers a commercial motor vehicle after drinking, besides being detained by the traffic management department of the public security organ till he/she sobers up, what will he/she be subject to?

A. Temporary detainment of the motor vehicle

B. Temporary detainment of the driving license

C. Revocation of the motor vehicle driving license

D. He/she will be banned from driving for life


3. It lights to indicate that ______

A. ABS system malfunction

B. handbrake is released

C. braking system malfunction

D. safety bags malfunction


4. The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is _______.

A. The traffic conditions are boring

B. The slopes are long, the curves are sharp and visibility range is shorter.

C. The traffic flow is heavy

D. The road signs are fewer


5. Going though the intersection according to the traffic lights when traffic lights and command of the traffic police are inconsistency.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. How to do while entering this intersection?

A. shift the high and low beam lights alternately to remind the cars already in the intersection to yield

B. quickly cut in the cars already in the intersection

C. let the cars already in the intersection go first

D. honk and enter directly


7. The driving license of 10-year validity will be issued if the penalty points never reached 12 points in every scoring cycle during the 6-year validity of the license.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. When passing through an overflowing road, a high gear should be used to pass rapidly.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. The main impact of the road conditions at night on safe driving is ________.

A. The visibility is low and unfavorable for observing road traffic conditions

B. The road surface is complex and changing

C. The physical strength of the driver decreases

D. The driver can easily have impulse and illusion


10. Which of the following vehicle in front in the same lane is not allowed to be overtaken?

A. large bus or large truck

B. fire engine on duty

C. public bus

D. taxis


11. A motorized vehicle driver who uses falsified and altered license plate is subject to a ________.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 12-point penalty

D. 6-point penalty


12. It lights to remind that engine oil needs to be filled.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. How long is the period of probation after a motorized vehicle driver obtains his driving license for the first time or the permission to drive higher level vehicles.

A. 6 months

B. 12 months

C. 2 years

D. 3 months


14. What is this manipulation device?

A. the air throttle lever

B. the gear lever

C. the clutch lever

D. the handbrake


15. ABS system can keep the steering capability of the front wheels while providing maximum braking force when the vehicle conduct an emergency braking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. When overtaking, the driver should ________ if the vehicle in front refuses to reduce speed or yield.

A. Follow closely and find chance to overtake again

B. Stop overtaking

C. Speed up and continue to overtake

D. Continuously honk and speed up to overtake


17. It lights when turning on the front high beam lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Reducing the speed to yield when encountering this situation in the intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. This sign indicates obstacle ahead and bypassing from left side.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. What kind of marking are the double yellow solid lines in the middle of the road?

A. auxiliary marking

B. warning sign

C. prohibitive marking

D. indicative marking


21. You can drive directly into the expressway from this position.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. When seeing a watch for children sign while driving, the driver should _______.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Bypass

C. Maintain the normal speed

D. Carefully select a speed


23. What is this traffic sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. inverse curve

D. continuous curves


24. When a vehicle passes a sharp curve, it may overtake if traffic is light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


25. A motorized vehicle driver who deliberately covered or stained the license plate and placed the license plate unproperly, is subject to a ________.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty
