
1. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass at construction section

B. two-way traffic

C. bypass from left or right side

D. watch for danger


2. When a vehicles turns, it should do so on the right side and refrain from occupying the lane of the other party. The left turn should be gentle and the right turn should be sharp.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. What does the traffic light mean?

A. allowed to pass

B. draw attention

C. intersection warning

D. prohibited from passing


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. a manned level crossing

B. an unmanned level crossing

C. multi-crossing of railway and road

D. yielding the train with care


5. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. indicate turning left or making a U turn ahead

B. indicate going straight or turning left ahead

C. indicate going straight or changing to left lane ahead

D. indicate going straight or making a U turn ahead


6. If the registration paper, license plate and vehicle license of a motorized vehicle are lost or destroyed, the vehicle owner should apply for reissuing or replacing them to the _______________.

A. traffic police detachment vehicle management station at the residential place

B. vehicle management station at the issuing place of the driving license

C. vehicle management station at the registration place

D. local police station


7. At night, the drivers observation is markedly poorer than in the daytime and the range of visibility range is _______.

A. Unchanged

B. Irregular

C. Longer

D. Shorter


8. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, the driver should ____ due to low visibility.

A. Turn on the head light and keep driving

B. Turn on the contour light, fog light and drive along the right side

C. Turn on the hazard lights and keep driving

D. Turn on the hazard lights, fog light, and stop at a safe place


9. Use the high and low beam lights alternately when passing the crosswalk at night.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. When following a vehicle on the road, the distance from the vehicle in front is not important. As long as the driver goes forward at the same speed as the vehicle in front does, he can avoid rear-end collision.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. What kind of sign is it?

A. directional sign

B. indicative sign

C. prohibitive sign

D. warning sign


12. How to do in this intersection?

A. wait in the cross-hatched marking area

B. stop and wait outside the intersection

C. follow the vehicle in front and pass

D. wait inside the intersection


13. What does this sign mean?

A. Reminding continuous two or more up slopes ahead

B. Reminding the steep uphill road ahead

C. Reminding the steep downhill road ahead

D. Reminding continuous two or more down slopes ahead


14. When passing a section of a mountain road which is prone to landside and mudflow, the driver should not stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. The penalty points will be _____ if violating the traffic lights.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


16. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road in this condition, the maximum speed can not exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. You can not drive a motorized vehicle into the lane where the red X-shaped light or the red arrow light is on.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. right-turn lane

B. U turn lane

C. left-turn lane

D. straight-going lane


19. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway entry ahead

B. expressway ending ahead

C. expressway beginning ahead

D. expressway exit ahead


20. Whats the meaning of the double white solid lines in far front of the intersection?

A. stopping and yield line

B. slowdown and yield line

C. left-turn waiting line

D. waiting to run line


21. What marking are the white broken lines in the circles?

A. small vehicles turning lines

B. lane connection lines

C. non-motorized vehicles guide lines

D. intersection guide line


22. Which is correct in this kind of intersection?

A. make a U turn along the left lane

B. cannot make a U turn

C. make a U turn through the middle lane

D. make a U turn inside the intersection


23. This set of the hand signals of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should ____ .

A. reduce speed and pass slowly

B. pull over

C. stop

D. turn right


24. When the driver discovers a tire is leaking and steers the vehicle off the main carriageway, he should refrain from applying emergency so as to avoid a vehicle turnover or a rear-end collision arising from the late braking of the following vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


25. What does this symbol indicate?

A. luggage compartment is opened

B. engine compartment is opened

C. cover of fuel tank is opened

D. door of one side is opened
