
1. This motorized vehicle parked on the roadside has no illegal act.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. When a vehicle goes downhill, it may fully use the neutral gear and slide.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. You have the priviledged passing right of way in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. T-shaped intersection

B. branching intersection

C. reduce speed to pass

D. dead-end road


5. The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is _______.

A. The traffic conditions are boring

B. The slopes are long, the curves are sharp and visibility range is shorter.

C. The traffic flow is heavy

D. The road signs are fewer


6. A person who falsifies, alters driving license or uses falsified, altered driving license, and if his act constitutes a crime, he should be held for criminal liabilities according to law.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. T-shaped intersection ahead

B. road branching point ahead

C. Y-shaped intersection ahead

D. intersection ahead


8. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. watch for long time honking

B. an unmanned level crossing

C. a manned level crossing

D. multi-crossing of railway and road


9. When following a vehicle on the road, the distance from the vehicle in front is not important. As long as the driver goes forward at the same speed as the vehicle in front does, he can avoid rear-end collision.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. If the drivers accumulated penalty points reach the stipulated limit, he will be _______ by the traffic control department of the public security organ.

A. detained for less than 15 days

B. banned for lifetime from driving

C. educated on the law and regulations and take the exam again

D. held for criminal liabilities according to law


11. This sign reminds the lane for non-motorized vehicles ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. Before entering a level crossing, the vehicle should reduce speed and change to a lower gear, and _____ after entering the level crossing.

A. Cannot change gear

B. Can change gear

C. Can change to a higher gear

D. Stop and look


13. What does this symbol indicate?

A. luggage compartment is opened

B. engine compartment is opened

C. cover of fuel tank is opened

D. door of one side is opened


14. What will be subject to if submitting false materials to apply for driving license?

A. a 20~200 yuan fine

B. disqualification for applying for

C. cannot re-apply for within 1 year

D. cannot re-apply for within 2 years


15. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow on the road?

A. left curve or need to bypass from left side ahead

B. merge with the left flow due to obstacle ahead

C. right curve or need to merge with the right flow ahead

D. left curve or need to merge with the left flow ahead


16. When the driver senses a tire blowout on the road, he should control the direction of the vehicle and use emergency braking to bring the vehicle swiftly to a stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. How to do first when encountering such kind of bridge?

A. maintain the speed and pass

B. speed up and pass as soon as possible

C. stop and observe

D. pass slowly


18. When encountering an ambulance rushing in the same lane in the opposite direction, the driver should ________.

A. Move to the road side, reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Drive on by using another lane

C. Speed up and change lane to avoid

D. Continue to go in the original lane


19. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if it is suspected of using the label of inspection from other vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. A motorized vehicle runs on the road without a label of inspection, the traffic police can detain the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


21. This set of the hand signals of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should ___ .

A. wait to turn left

B. pull over

C. reduce speed and pass slowly

D. turn left


22. The yellow lane-dividing line on the road is used to _____

A. allow to drive in left lane

B. separate the traffic flow in opposite directions

C. separate the traffic flow in the same direction

D. prohibit to cross the opposite lane


23. Whats the role of the indicative marking?

A. No passing

B. indicate vehicles to pass

C. restrict from passing

D. warn and remind


24. When discovering the persons injured in a traffic accident need rescue while driving, the driver should _________.

A. Send the injured persons to hospital in a timely manner or make emergency calls

B. Dodge as much as possible

C. Go ahead by bypassing the scene

D. Find an excuse to dodge the scene


25. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. ring intersection ahead

B. intersection ahead

C. Y-shaped intersection ahead

D. T-shaped intersection ahead
