
1. You have the priviledged passing right of way at the intersection in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. The main impact of rainy weather on safe driving is _______.

A. The road is wet and slippery and the visibility is poor

B. The engine is prone to stop

C. The resistance to the vehicle increases

D. The electric equipment is prone to getting wet and causing short circuit


3. This small car can not stop here.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. When a driver needs to borrow a lane to bypass an obstacle in front and a vehicle in the opposite direction is approaching the obstacle, the driver should ___________.

A. Reduce speed or stop and yield to the vehicle coming in the opposite direction

B. Speed up and bypass the obstacle in advance

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in the opposite direction to yield

D. Rapidly occupy the lane and force the vehicle coming in the opposite direction to stop and yield


5. The main impact of the road conditions in icy and snowy weather is ______.

A. The electric equipment can easily get wet and cause short circuit

B. The visibility is lower and the field of vision is blurred

C. The resistance to the vehicle increases

D. Poor braking performance and Side pulling


6. The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is _______.

A. The traffic conditions are boring

B. The slopes are long, the curves are sharp and visibility range is shorter.

C. The traffic flow is heavy

D. The road signs are fewer


7. The starter works when turning the ignition switch to the ACC position.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. Top speed in this section is 50 kilometers per hour.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. It lights to indicate that right door is not closed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. A driver applies for the driving license for the first time and is during the period of probation, he can drive a motorized vehicle on expressway alone.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. exit and entry for disabled people

B. watch for disabled people

C. rest area for disabled people

D. special passage for disabled people


12. A motorized vehicle driver who drives the vehicle which permission is different is subject to a ________.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


13. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. overflowing bridge

B. ferry

C. pier

D. overflowing road


14. When driving in windy, rainy, snowy, foggy and other complex weather conditions, the driver should turn on the head light, honk continuously and overtake rapidly if the vehicle in front goes slowly.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway right side exit ahead

B. expressway next exit indication

C. expressway location and direction indication

D. expressway left side exit ahead


16. If a motorized vehicle causes a traffic accident on the expressway and cannot to run normally, the vehicle should be towed by a rescue vehicle or a tow truck.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. When driving at night on a road that has good lighting, the driver should use _______.

A. The fog light

B. The low beam light

C. The high beam light

D. The hazard lights


18. If a motorized vehicle driver has caused a major traffic accident in violation of the traffic regulations which has caused human death due to his escaping, the driver is subject to a prison term of 3 years ~ 7 years.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. May speed up to go through the crosswalk in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. pass with low speed

B. watch for pedestrians

C. on foot

D. pedestrians go first


21. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. Y-shaped intersection ahead

B. separate road ahead

C. only left or right turn ahead

D. merging with both sides ahead


22. A qualified driver should not only be technically adept, but more importantly have good driving habits and ethical attainments.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. U turn

B. reversing

C. left turn

D. bypassing


24. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. change to right lane

B. branching point

C. road surface becomes wider

D. the number of lanes increases


25. Whats the meaning of the marking in the red circle?

A. temporary stopping

B. large bus stopping

C. bus station

D. emergency stopping
