
1. A motorized vehicle runs on the road without a label of inspection, the traffic police can detain the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway public phone

B. expressway police phone

C. expressway emergency phone

D. expressway rescue phone


3. How to use lights when entering the speed-reducing lane?

A. turn on the hazard lights

B. turn on the head light

C. turn on the left-turn signal

D. turn on the right-turn signal


4. What is the main role of the seat belt when there is a collision?

A. to protect the driver and passengers necks

B. to protect the driver and passengers chests

C. to reduce the injuries of the driver and passengers

D. to protect the driver and passengers waists


5. When a motorized vehicle runs on an expressway, it ________.

A. May stop on the road shoulder to let passengers on and off

B. May stop in the emergency lane to load and unload cargos

C. May overtake or stop in the acceleration or deceleration lane

D. Is not allowed to drive or stop in the emergency lane in a non-emergency case


6. The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is __.

A. The road grip becomes stronger

B. It is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface

C. The visibility become lower and blurs the field of vision

D. The sunshine reflection blurs the view


7. The vehicle is allowed to pass the intersection ahead when the green light on.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. What marking are the white serrated solid lines in the circle?

A. guide lane lines

B. direction guide line

C. variable guide lane line

D. one-way driving line


9. If a driver has not received full penalty points, and the fine has not been paid, the penalty points will be transferred into the next scoring cycle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. When encountering children on the road, the driver should _________.

A. Reduce speed and go slowly, or stop to yield when necessary

B. Continuously honk to urge

C. Swiftly bypass from one side

D. Speed up and bypass


11. When driving at night on a road that has good lighting, the driver should use _______.

A. The fog light

B. The low beam light

C. The high beam light

D. The hazard lights


12. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. the distance from the tunnel exit

B. the distance from the tunnel entry

C. the distance of following the vehicle in front in the tunnel

D. the whole length of the tunnel


13. A motorized vehicle is not allowed to stop in the section 50 meters to the intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. Which part of the driver can be protected by the safety pillow when there is a rear-end collision?

A. waist

B. chest

C. head

D. neck


15. It lights to indicate that engine oil may be insufficient.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. Whats the role of the indicative marking?

A. No passing

B. indicate vehicles to pass

C. restrict from passing

D. warn and remind


17. The age limit of applying for small vehicle is ________ .

A. 18~60 years old

B. 18~70 years old

C. 24~70 years old

D. 21~50 years old


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. line guide signs

B. lane merging guide signs

C. lane branching guide signs

D. turning guide signs


19. When the road maintenance vehicle and the engineering vehicle are on duty, the passing vehicles should avoid with care.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. The driver who drives after drunk is subject to ______

A. a criminal restriction and a fine

B. a prison term of more than 2 years

C. a criminal detention and a fine

D. a prison term of less than 2 years


21. When a vehicle is being overtaken by another vehicle, and there is a vehicle following behind, the driver should _____.

A. continue to speed up and run

B. turn slightly to the right side, keep a safe horizontal distance

C. run by road center

D. speed up to the right side to yield


22. What is the Minimum speed on this expressway?

A. 100km/hr

B. 80km/hr

C. 60km/hr

D. 50km/hr


23. It displays that the current temperature of the coolant is 90 degrees.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Whats the meaning of the white markings on the road?

A. road construction marking

B. horizontal deceleration marking

C. vertical deceleration marking

D. fewer lanes indication marking


25. The oil pressure of engine may be too high if it lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong
