
1. One can drive the small motor vehicle with automatic transmission if the authorized vehicle applied for is small motor vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. How to pass the intersection when running straight

A. turn on the hazard lights and pass

B. directly speed up and pass straight

C. yield to the vehicle from the right road

D. yield to the vehicle from the left road


3. This sign reminds the lane or the road narrows on both sides ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. This sign reminds the road in front changes to inseparate two ways section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. This sign reminds overflowing road or overflowing bridge ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. Which illegal conduct is subject to a 12-point penalty

A. violate traffic lights

B. use falsified license plate

C. call or answer the mobile phone

D. violate prohibitive signs


7. What is the max speed when passing this curve?

A. 40km/hr

B. 30km/hr

C. 50km/hr

D. 70km/hr


8. What device does the switch of this symbol control?

A. the windscreen defrosting

B. the rear window wiper

C. the rear window defrosting

D. the windscreen wiper


9. What is the time limit of deferred license checking due to military service, abroad and other reasons?

A. 3 years

B. 5 years

C. 1 years

D. 2 years


10. When driving in icy and snowy weather, ________.

A. The braking distance becomes longer

B. The resistance to slide becomes larger

C. The braking performance does not change

D. The road grip becomes stronger


11. When a vehicle changes lane, the driver should turn on the turn signal and rapidly enter the new lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if it is suspected of using the label of insurance from other vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. reduce speed and go slowly

B. watch for danger

C. jammed section

D. accident-prone section


14. The yellow lane-dividing line on the road is used to _____

A. allow to drive in left lane

B. separate the traffic flow in opposite directions

C. separate the traffic flow in the same direction

D. prohibit to cross the opposite lane


15. How the front vehicle to run in this situation?

A. run as normal

B. yield

C. turn on the hazard lights

D. should not change lane


16. A motorized vehicle driver who illegally occupies the emergency lane on the expressway is subject to a 6-point penalty.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. In which section cannot overtake?

A. mountain road

B. urban elevated road

C. urban expressway

D. narrow bridge and curve


18. When causing a road accident involving human casualties, the driver should immediately rescue the injured people and report to the traffic police as soon as possible.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. As the traffic flow at an interchange is generally one-way, the vehicles do not have to reduce speed when passing.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. water channel

B. bridge

C. tunnel

D. Culvert


21. When ignition switch is in the START position, the starter starts.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. What is the Minimum speed in this lane?

A. 100km/hr

B. 110km/hr

C. 60km/hr

D. 90km/hr


23. Which lane to choose when turning left in this intersection?

A. the far left lane

B. middle lane

C. not need to change lane

D. the far right lane


24. Whats the meaning of the yellow filled markings on the road?

A. closing to the obstacle

B. closing narrowed road

C. closing the moving obstacle

D. Marking of approaching a narrow road


25. The red car can run in this lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong
