
1. This sign means the opposite vehicle should stop to yield when crossing each other.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. Whats the meaning of the yellow filled markings on the road?

A. closing to the obstacle

B. closing narrowed road

C. closing the moving obstacle

D. Marking of approaching a narrow road


3. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. a manned level crossing 50m ahead

B. an unmanned level crossing 100m ahead

C. a manned level crossing 100m ahead

D. an unmanned level crossing 50m ahead


4. Whats the role of indicative sign?

A. tell the direction information

B. warn danger ahead

C. restrict the vehicles and pedestrians from passing

D. indicate the vehicles and pedestrians to go ahead


5. If a driving license is obtained by deception, bribery or other illegal means, the driving license should be revoked and the applicant is not allowed to re-apply for it _____ .

A. within 3 years

B. the whole life

C. within 1 year

D. within 5 years


6. When discovering traffic congestion ahead while driving, the driver should ________.

A. Find a chance to overtake the vehicle in front

B. Weave through other vehicles

C. Reduce speed, stop and wait in line

D. Honk to urge other vehicles


7. A vehicle may stop on the ramp of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. Do not hang or place articles close to the front and rear windows that block the vision of the driver.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. How to run when seeing this traffic light at level crossing?

A. pass before the train comes

B. no exceeding the stop line

C. observe and pass slowly

D. speed up and pass without changing gear


10. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. yield if going to turn left

B. straight one-way road

C. right one-way road

D. left one-way road


11. How to use lights when entering the speed-reducing lane?

A. turn on the hazard lights

B. turn on the head light

C. turn on the left-turn signal

D. turn on the right-turn signal


12. If a driving license has been revoked as it is obtained by deception, bribery or other illegal means, the applicant is not allowed to re-apply for it within ______

A. 6 months

B. 1 year

C. 2 years

D. 3 years


13. When a vehicle approaches an intersection without crosswalk, the driver should _______ if he finds people are crossing the street.

A. Reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Honk to indicate them to yield

C. Immediately change lane and bypass the pedestrians

D. Pass before the pedestrians


14. The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is _______.

A. The traffic conditions are boring

B. The slopes are long, the curves are sharp and visibility range is shorter.

C. The traffic flow is heavy

D. The road signs are fewer


15. A qualified driver should not only be technically adept, but more importantly have good driving habits and ethical attainments.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. The cycle for recording the accumulated penalty points for violating road traffic safety regulations is ____________.

A. 12 months

B. 24 months

C. 3 months

D. 6 months


17. Whats the meaning of the white solid line in the middle of the road?

A. unilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

B. same direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed

C. bilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

D. opposite direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. special lane for large buses

B. special lane for multi-passenger vehicles

C. special lane for public buses

D. special lane for BRT vehicles


19. When a vehicle changes to the right lane, the driver should turn on the right-turn signal in advance, observe and enter the new lane if it is safe to do so.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no U turn

B. no changing to left lane

C. no turning left

D. no entering the left lane


21. The act of this small passenger vehicle to enter the expressway lane is correct.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. What pedal is it?

A. clutch pedal

B. accelerator pedal

C. brake pedal

D. handbrake


23. Whats the meaning of the white broken line by the carriage on the right side road?

A. allowed to temporarily cross

B. prohibited from crossing

C. emergency lanes dividing line

D. crosswalk dividing line


24. When encountering a vehicle in the opposite direction forcing its way by using his lane, the driver should __________.

A. Force the other side to drive by the right side

B. Use the high beam light to warn the other side

C. Voluntarily yield to the other side

D. Go ahead by the center of the road


25. Stop the vehicle and observe when reaching the level crossing in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong
