
1. When a motorized vehicle runs in a foggy weather, the driver should turn on the fog light and the hazard lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. When discovering a road congestion ahead, the correct way to deal with this situation is to _______.

A. Continue to weave through

B. Find space and overtake one vehicle after another

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in front to speed up

D. Stop and wait in line


3. When driving at night, the driver should go at a lower speed because his field of vision is limited and he can hardly observe the traffic conditions beyond the area covered by his vehicle light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. A motorized vehicle driver is not allowed during the period of probation to pull a trailer.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. What is this manipulation device?

A. switch of reverse light

B. switch of wiper

C. switch of the hazard lights

D. combination switch of lights and signals


6. A motorized vehicle is not allowed to stop in the section 50 meters to the intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Traffic Police can detain the driver according to law, if the driver drives a motorized vehicle which is suspected of reaching the write-off standard.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. One can drive the small motor vehicle with automatic transmission if the authorized vehicle applied for is small motor vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. It lights to indicate that ______

A. the head and tail fog lights are turned on

B. front and rear width lights are turned on

C. the head lights are turned on

D. the hazard lights are turned on


10. When driving in a heavy rain, the driver should control the speed to avoid the danger arising from water slide.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. embankment road

B. cliffside road

C. waterside road

D. slippery road


12. The wrong measure to avoid tire blowout is to _________.

A. Reduce tire pressure

B. Check the tires regularly

C. Remove objects from tire tread grooves in a timely manner

D. Replace the tire that has cracks or deep cuts


13. The hazard lights can be used when ________

A. encountering traffic congestion

B. following a vehicle on road

C. the vehicle breaks down and stops

D. leading the vehicle behind


14. Stop the vehicle and observe when reaching the level crossing in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. U turn lane

B. bypassing lane

C. lanes for going in different directions

D. left-turn lane


16. What is this traffic sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. inverse curve

D. continuous curves


17. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. Passing on both sides

B. Passing is prohibited

C. Passing by the left side

D. Passing by the right side


18. If an improper place is chosen for crossing another vehicle, the driver should immediately _______.

A. Reduce speed and cross each other slowly, or stop to yield

B. Occupy the left lane to force the opposite party to reduce speed and yield

C. Turn the head light to indicate the opposite party to stop and yield

D. Speed up and select a better place


19. For a driver who drivers a commercial motor vehicle after drinking, besides being detained by the traffic management department of the public security organ till he/she sobers up, what will he/she be subject to?

A. Temporary detainment of the motor vehicle

B. Temporary detainment of the driving license

C. Revocation of the motor vehicle driving license

D. He/she will be banned from driving for life


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway toll station

B. expressway checkpoint

C. toll station with ETC

D. expressway card-getting point


21. What marking is the triagle filled area in the circle?

A. stop line

B. deceleration line

C. guide line

D. cross-hatched marking


22. What does this symbol indicate?

A. luggage compartment is opened

B. door of one side is opened

C. engine compartment is opened

D. cover of fuel tank is opened


23. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. emergency shelter

B. service area

C. pedestrian passage

D. crossing road facility


24. Within how long should a driver whose information has changed apply for new license?

A. 30 days

B. 40 days

C. 50 days

D. 60 days


25. The vehicle is allowed to _______ at this intersection.

A. go straight or turn right

B. turn right

C. turn left

D. go straight
