
1. If a person who has caused a major traffic accident and if his act constitutes a crime, he may not be held for criminal liabilities.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. What does this symbol indicate?

A. luggage compartment is opened

B. engine compartment is opened

C. cover of fuel tank is opened

D. door of one side is opened


3. What marking is the white solid lines in the circle?

A. guide lanes lines

B. variable guide lanes lines

C. direction guide lines

D. one-way driving lines


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. embankment road

B. dangerous hillside road

C. rock-falling road

D. cliffside road


5. Top speed in this section is 50 kilometers per hour.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. This sign indicates indoor car park here.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Which is correct when changing lane?

A. turn on the directional signal and turn left quickly

B. reduce speed properly when entering the left lane

C. cannot interfere other vehicles

D. speed up to enter the left lane


8. Which kind of sign is it?

A. tourist zone sign

B. work area sign

C. notification signs

D. expressway sign


9. When a vehicle stops temporarily in a snowy day, the driver should turn on _______.

A. The head and tail fog light

B. The reserve light

C. The high beam light

D. The hazard lights


10. It lights when turning on the width light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. To hold the steering wheel like this is correct.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass at construction section

B. two-way traffic

C. bypass from left or right side

D. watch for danger


13. Whats the meaning of the white solid line in the middle of the road?

A. unilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

B. same direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed

C. bilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

D. opposite direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed


14. In the course of making a U turn, the driver should strictly control the speed, carefully observe the road conditions before and behind the vehicle, and may advance or reverse only if it is safe to do so.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. A motorized vehicle driver who drives after drinking is subject to a ________.

A. 3-point penalty

B. 2-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


16. No turning right when encountering this traffic light at the intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Driving on the expressway with full signs and marking, the driver should run in the lane and at the speed according to _________.

A. Signs and markings

B. Rules on road traffic safety

C. Vehicle manual

D. Local regulations


18. What is this traffic sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. inverse curve

D. continuous curves


19. This sign reminds the width of the bridge narrows ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. When a vehicle is being overtaken by another vehicle, and there is a vehicle following behind, the driver should _____.

A. continue to speed up and run

B. turn slightly to the right side, keep a safe horizontal distance

C. run by road center

D. speed up to the right side to yield


21. It lights to indicate enabling the floor and the front windscreen fan.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. When a following vehicle gives the overtaking signal, the driver should ________ if conditions permit.

A. Move to the right side and speed up

B. Voluntarily reduce speed and drive along the right side

C. Yield a proper space and speed up

D. Reduce speed rapidly or apply an emergency braking


23. Speeding up to go though the intersection before the light turns to red in this case.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. When running on an expressway that has four lanes in the same direction, the vehicles whose speed is higher than 110 kilometers per hour should run ______.

A. The far left lane

B. The second left lane

C. The far right lane

D. The third left lane


25. When driving a motor vehicle after drinking, a prison term of more than 3 years will be imposed.

A. Right

B. Wrong
