昭通科目一考试有英文版吗 有的

1. Move the turn signal switch upward, the left-turn signal lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. Whats the meaning of the yellow marking on the road?

A. gradual road width

B. more carriageways

C. closing to obstacle

D. construction section indication


3. When a vehicle changes to the right lane, the driver should turn on the right-turn signal in advance, observe and enter the new lane if it is safe to do so.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. When a vehicle passes a level crossing, it is prohibited from overtaking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. When a motorized vehicle crosses a non-motorized vehicle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night, the motorized vehicle should use the high beam light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. A vehicle should try to speed up after starting from the roadside and rapidly turn left into the traffic flow on the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Which should be taken along while driving?

A. vocational qualification certificate

B. ID card

C. driving license

D. work permits


8. Must reduce the frequency of honking in this section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. It lights continuously to indicate that engine control system failed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. This sign reminds the lane or the road narrows on the left side ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. T-shaped intersection ahead

B. road branching point ahead

C. Y-shaped intersection ahead

D. intersection ahead


12. When a vehicle stops temporarily in a rainy day, the driver should turn on ______.

A. The head and tail fog lights

B. The hazard lights

C. The high beam light

D. The reverse light


13. For a driver who drivers a commercial motor vehicle after drinking, besides being detained by the traffic management department of the public security organ till he/she sobers up, what will he/she be subject to?

A. Temporary detainment of the motor vehicle

B. Temporary detainment of the driving license

C. Revocation of the motor vehicle driving license

D. He/she will be banned from driving for life


14. When a vehicle approaches a bus stopping at a bus stop, the driver should ______ in case the bus starts up suddenly or pedestrians cross in front of the bus.

A. Reduce speed, keep a sufficient distance and be ready to stop anytime

B. Maintain the normal speed

C. Honk to remind, speed up and pass

D. Be ready to apply emergency braking


15. When a vehicle stops temporarily in a snowy day, the driver should turn on _______.

A. The head and tail fog light

B. The reserve light

C. The high beam light

D. The hazard lights


16. It displays the current engine speed is 6000 rev / min.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Driving a motorized vehicle shall not overtake in tunnels, steep slopes and other special sections.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Whats the meaning of the yellow filled markings on the road?

A. closing to the obstacle

B. closing narrowed road

C. closing the moving obstacle

D. Marking of approaching a narrow road


19. When a vehicle changes lane, the driver only needs to turn on the turn signal before rapidly entering the new lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. What is this traffic sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. inverse curve

D. continuous curves


21. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. the lane for non-motorized vehicles

B. the special lane for motorcycles

C. the special lane for battery bicycles

D. the special lane for bicycles


22. When a vehicle passes a school or a residential area, the driver should observe the signs and markings, go slowly and refrain from honking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is __.

A. The road grip becomes stronger

B. It is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface

C. The visibility become lower and blurs the field of vision

D. The sunshine reflection blurs the view


24. The hazard lights can be used when ________

A. encountering traffic congestion

B. following a vehicle on road

C. the vehicle breaks down and stops

D. leading the vehicle behind


25. Whats the meaning of the yellow mark on the road?

A. no going straight

B. allowed to make a U turn

C. no U turn

D. no making a turn
