
1. Whats the meaning of the yellow broken line on curbstone?

A. no temporary stopping

B. no taking and dropping people

C. no loading and unloading cargos

D. no long stopping


2. This set of the hand signals of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should ____ .

A. reduce speed and pass slowly

B. pull over

C. stop

D. turn right


3. What to do besides controlling speed less than 20km/hr when the visibility is lower than 50 meters on the expressway?

A. run in the emergency lane

B. leave the expressway as soon as possible

C. stop by the roadside as soon as possible

D. run slowly in the road shoulder


4. A vehicle is not allowed to make a U turn on the ramp of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. Driving a small passenger vehicle on the expressway, the minimum speed should not be less than 90 kilometers per hour.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. It lights when turning on the front low beam lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. intersection ahead

B. interchange ahead

C. Y-shaped intersection ahead

D. ring intersection ahead


8. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. intersection ahead

B. interchange ahead

C. Y-shaped intersection ahead

D. ring intersection ahead


9. It flashes when turning on the hazard lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. When encountering non-motorized vehicles intending to bypass a stopping vehicle, the driver should ________.

A. Honk to indicate them to yield

B. Yield to them

C. Speed up and bypass

D. Follow them closely and honk


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no entry for bicycles

B. lane for non-motorized vehicles

C. special lane for bicycles

D. bicycle stopping area


12. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. minimum speed limit is 80km/hr

B. average speed is 80km/hr

C. maximum speed limit is 80km/hr

D. 80km/hr speed limit ban is lifted


13. The driver is prohibited from opening the door and letting passengers on and off when a vehicle has not come to a full stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. When a vehicle passes a narrow road or bridge, it is prohibited from overtaking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Driving a motorized vehicle on the expressway is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. When a vehicle coming in the opposite direction suddenly overtakes and occupies your lane, the correct way to deal with this situation is to __________.

A. Obstruct the way of that vehicle

B. Maintain the original speed

C. Reduce speed and avoid as much as possible, till stop

D. Speed up and go forward


17. What will be subject to if submitting false materials to apply for driving license?

A. a 20~200 yuan fine

B. disqualification for applying for

C. cannot re-apply for within 1 year

D. cannot re-apply for within 2 years


18. A vehicle is not allowed to reverse on the ramp of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway bus station ahead

B. expressway shelter ahead

C. expressway service area ahead

D. expressway toll station ahead


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway emergency strip

B. expressway yielding area

C. expressway bus station

D. expressway parking area


21. Max speed when pass the narrow road or bridge is _______

A. 50km/hr

B. 40km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 60km/hr


22. This sign warns slippery road ahead and running slowly with care.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road should be required to be with a license plate.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bump road

B. low-lying road

C. high outburst road

D. hump bridge


25. What is the max speed on a road covered by ice and snow

A. 50km/hr

B. 40km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 20km/hr
