
1. How to pass through the unmanned level crossing without traffic lights?

A. properly reduce speed to pass

B. slide over in the neutral gear

C. stop to make sure it is safe, then pass

D. speed up and pass as fast as possible


2. Whats the meaning of the white broken line by the carriage on the right side road?

A. allowed to temporarily cross

B. prohibited from crossing

C. emergency lanes dividing line

D. crosswalk dividing line


3. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. test driving section

D. curve section


4. When running on the road having maximum speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. Whats the meaning of the white markings on the road?

A. road construction marking

B. horizontal deceleration marking

C. vertical deceleration marking

D. fewer lanes indication marking


6. When the two red lights at a level crossing flash alternately, the vehicles should stop to wait.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Which of the following vehicle in front in the same lane is not allowed to be overtaken?

A. the vehicle is reducing speed to yield

B. the vehicle is running normally

C. the vehicle is overtaking

D. the vehicle is making a stop


8. What will be subject to if driving the vehicle reached write-off standard?

A. a 20~200 yuan fine

B. being held for criminal liabilities

C. being detained for less than 15 days

D. being revoked the driving license


9. When a vehicle passes a crosswalk, the driver should yield to the pedestrians.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. When following a vehicle, the following vehicle may use the high beam light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. What marking is the road mark?

A. crosswalk ahead

B. intersection ahead

C. reduce speed and yield ahead

D. stop to yield ahead


12. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle which is suspected of using the falsified or altered license plate and vehicle license.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. The vehicle is allowed to _______ at this intersection.

A. go straight or turn right

B. turn right

C. turn left

D. go straight


14. In which situation should a small car driver need check?

A. the end of a scoring cycle

B. change driving license due to expiration

C. fail to reach 12 points in one scoring cycle

D. reach 12 points in one scoring cycle


15. What does this sign mean?

A. Reminding the side of a reservoir, lake or river ahead

B. Reminding the steep uphill road ahead

C. Reminding the steep downhill road ahead

D. Reminding continuous two or more up slopes ahead


16. How to run on this road?

A. run in the middle of the road

B. run on both side of the road

C. run according to lanes

D. go forward at will


17. When the traffic conditions at an intersection are complicated, the driver should be patiently waiting instead of taking chance.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. Road traffic flow monitoring

B. Deceleration photographed area

C. Full section snapshot

D. Traffic monitoring equipment


19. After a vehicle enters a mountain road, it should pay special attention to the continuous curves sign. In addition, it should voluntarily evade vehicles and pedestrians, reduce speed in a time manner and honk in advance.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. flat intersection

B. flat ring intersection

C. attention to interactive intersection

D. attention to separate intersection


21. Whats the meaning of this figure mark on the road?

A. a mark of keeping distance

B. a mark of minimum distance

C. a mark of speed limit

D. a mark of road number


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. stop to yield

B. no stopping temporarily

C. no entry

D. no long stopping


23. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. U turn

B. reversing

C. left turn

D. bypassing


24. Which behavior a person had in 3 years is not allowed to apply for a motorized vehicle driving license?

A. insulin injections

B. drunken experience

C. smoking addiction

D. drug injections


25. One can drive the low-speed truck if the authorized vehicle applied for is small motor vehicle with automatic transmission.

A. Right

B. Wrong
