
1. Must reduce the frequency of honking in this section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. What should a motorized vehicle has while running on the road?

A. a label of keeping distance

B. a label of reminding danger

C. a label of inspection

D. a label of product qualification


3. This traffic light means ______

A. intersection warning

B. no passing

C. draw attention

D. allow to pass


4. This sign indicates running slowly or stopping to let the vehicle on main road go first.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. What kind of marking is the yellow broken line in the center of the road?

A. indicative marking

B. prohibitive marking

C. warning sign

D. auxiliary marking


6. Whats the meaning of the yellow broken line on curbstone?

A. no temporary stopping

B. no taking and dropping people

C. no loading and unloading cargos

D. no long stopping


7. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road should be required to be with a license plate.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, the driver should ____ due to low visibility.

A. Turn on the head light and keep driving

B. Turn on the contour light, fog light and drive along the right side

C. Turn on the hazard lights and keep driving

D. Turn on the hazard lights, fog light, and stop at a safe place


9. When driving, the driver should be courteous and defensive, instead of being offensive.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway right side exit ahead

B. expressway next exit indication

C. expressway location and direction indication

D. expressway left side exit ahead


11. How to cross each other on a narrow mountain road without the central dividing line?

A. The vehicle not close to the mountain goes first

B. The vehicle close to the mountain goes first

C. The empty vehicle goes first

D. The slow-moving vehicle goes first


12. When running on the road having maximum speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. When driving in icy and snowy weather, light reflection from the accumulated snow can easily make a driver feel dizzy and have an illusion.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. This sign reminds the lane for non-motorized vehicles ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. Which kind of vehicle can be driven if the authorized vehicle applied for is small motor vehicle?

A. low-speed truck

B. midsize bus

C. motor tricycle

D. self-propelled wheeled machinery


16. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. provincial highway No.

B. national highway No.

C. county road No.

D. township road No.


17. What does this symbol indicate?

A. snowy starting mode

B. air circulation

C. air condition cooling mode

D. cooling or warming fan


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. an unmanned level crossing 150m ahead

B. an unmanned level crossing 100m ahead

C. a manned level crossing 100m ahead

D. a manned level crossing 150m ahead


19. If a person has caused a traffic accident and run away, and constitutes a crime, his driving license should be revoked and he is banned for lifetime from re-obtaining a driving license.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. When running on an expressway, the driver should ____ if he has missed the exit.

A. Reverse to the original place

B. Continue to go ahead and find the next exit

C. Immediately stop

D. Make a U turn from where he is


21. It lights to indicate that engine compartment is opened.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. A person who has not obtained driving license drives a motorized vehicle, he will be held for legal liability.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. The passenger in the front seat does not need to buckle up when a motorized vehicle runs.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Displays the current speed is 20 km / h

A. Right

B. Wrong


25. The main feature of pedestrians participating in road traffic is that _________.

A. They move slowly

B. They like to get together and look on

C. They walk around at will and can easily change directions

D. All the above
