
1. A driver who drives an illegally assembled motorized vehicle is subject to ______ .

A. being held for criminal liabilities according to law

B. a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan

C. being revoked the vehicle license

D. being detained for less than 15 days


2. Do not start up a vehicle when the door or compartment is not properly closed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. It lights to indicate that the handbrake may not loose in the end.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. road narrows on the left side

B. narrow bridge

C. narrow road

D. road narrows on the right side


5. The validity of the Admission Form is _________

A. 1 year

B. 2 years

C. 3 years

D. 4 years


6. What marking is the white polylines in the circle?

A. ascertaining the distance between the vehicles

B. driving at reduced speed

C. ascertaining the speed of the vehicles

D. reducing the speed at the intersection


7. It lights to remind that the driver has not buckled up.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. This sign indicates indoor car park here.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. When driving in a heavy rain, the driver should control the speed to avoid the danger arising from water slide.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. The validity of the driving license which is initially applied for is 4 years.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. When discovering a road congestion ahead, the correct way to deal with this situation is to _______.

A. Continue to weave through

B. Find space and overtake one vehicle after another

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in front to speed up

D. Stop and wait in line


12. What is this traffic sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. inverse curve

D. continuous curves


13. What is this manipulation device?

A. the air throttle lever

B. the gear lever

C. the clutch lever

D. the handbrake


14. Which kind of vehicle can be initially applied for when one reaches 20 years old?

A. large truck

B. large bus

C. midsize bus

D. trailer


15. In this case, if it has not begun going up the slope, the vehicle going uphill should yield to the one going downhill.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. Whats the meaning of the yellow filled markings on the road?

A. closing to the obstacle

B. closing narrowed road

C. closing the moving obstacle

D. Marking of approaching a narrow road


17. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. embankment road

B. steep uphill road

C. continuous up slopes

D. steep downhill road


18. Traffic markings are divided into indication, warning and prohibition.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. How to cross each other on a narrow mountain road without the central dividing line?

A. The vehicle not close to the mountain goes first

B. The vehicle close to the mountain goes first

C. The empty vehicle goes first

D. The slow-moving vehicle goes first


20. This sign reminds there is a one-way and poor lighting culvert ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


21. The yellow lane-dividing line on the road is used to _____

A. allow to drive in left lane

B. separate the traffic flow in opposite directions

C. separate the traffic flow in the same direction

D. prohibit to cross the opposite lane


22. A small bus driver should reduce speed rapidly when he suddenly feel bumpy on a flat expressway, to prevent tire blowout.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. Stop and yield to the pedestrians under this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Whats the meaning of these white rectangle markings?

A. long time parking

B. time limited parking

C. free parking

D. special parking


25. You can overtake from both sides in this case.

A. Right

B. Wrong
