
1. The vehicle is allowed to _______ at this intersection.

A. go straight or turn right

B. turn left

C. go straight or turn left

D. turn left or turn right


2. Driving a motorized vehicle in the city road which has no central line, the maximum speed can not exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. The driver is prohibited from opening the door and letting passengers on and off when a vehicle has not come to a full stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. It lights while driving to indicate that ______

A. engine temperature is too high

B. engine cooling system malfunction

C. engine lubrication system malfunction

D. engine temperature is too low


5. A motorized vehicle driver who does not hang the license plate is subject to a ________.

A. 6-point penalty

B. 12-point penalty

C. 2-point penalty

D. 3-point penalty


6. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. streets on both sides

B. main road go first

C. stop to yield

D. one-way road


7. What marking is the white broken line on the road?

A. central line of opposite lanes which is prohibited from crossing

B. central line of opposite lanes which is restricted from crossing

C. central dividing line of the one-way road lanes

D. central line of same direction lanes which is allowed to cross


8. When driving a small vehicle downhill, the driver may coast down by stopping the engine.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. Which is correct when learning driving on road?

A. drive the corresponding coach car with coach sitting by to guide

B. drive the corresponding coach car alone

C. drive the corresponding coach car with other one who is not a coach sitting by to guide

D. drive the private car with coach sitting by to guide


10. When an accident has caused congestion on an expressway, the vehicles may run in the emergency strip on the right or in the shoulder of the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow on the road?

A. left curve or need to bypass from left side ahead

B. merge with the left flow due to obstacle ahead

C. right curve or need to merge with the right flow ahead

D. left curve or need to merge with the left flow ahead


12. If a motorized vehicle driver escapes after causing a major traffic accident which has caused human death, the driver is subject to a prison term of ________.

A. more than 7 years

B. less than 3 years

C. 3 ~ 7 years

D. more than 10 years


13. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. stop and yield the right side vehicle while crossing each other

B. no passing on the right side road

C. two-way lane section ahead

D. stop and yield the opposite vehicle while crossing each other


14. The penalty points will be _____ if violating the traffic lights.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


15. No turning left in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. Road traffic flow monitoring

B. Deceleration photographed area

C. Full section snapshot

D. Traffic monitoring equipment


17. How long can a driver drives without rest?

A. less than 6hrs

B. less than 8hrs

C. less than 10hrs

D. less than 4hrs


18. Can not overtake in this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. What marking is the two white broken lines in the circle?

A. stop lines at crossroad

B. left-turn waiting areas

C. U turn guide lines

D. small vehicles turning lines


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass at construction section

B. two-way traffic

C. bypass from left or right side

D. watch for danger


21. In which situation should a small car driver need check?

A. the end of a scoring cycle

B. change driving license due to expiration

C. fail to reach 12 points in one scoring cycle

D. reach 12 points in one scoring cycle


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass from right side

B. one-way passing

C. watch for danger

D. bypass from left side


23. What is this instrument?

A. water temperature meter

B. fuel meter

C. ammeter

D. pressure meter


24. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. turn right

B. one-way road

C. going straight only

D. straight-going lane


25. Whats the meaning of the white solid lines at the edge of the carriageway on both sides of the road?

A. Vehicles may cross temporarily

B. Vehicles are not allowed to cross.

C. Motorized vehicles may cross temporarily.

D. Non-motorized vehicles may cross temporarily
