
1. In which situation that a driver will not allowed to drive?

A. penalty points reach 10 points

B. penalty points reach 6 points

C. driving license lost or destroyed

D. driving license is nearly expired


2. In this case, if it has not begun going up the slope, the vehicle going uphill should yield to the one going downhill.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. What marking is the triagle filled area in the circle?

A. stop line

B. deceleration line

C. guide line

D. cross-hatched marking


4. A small bus driver should reduce speed rapidly when he suddenly feel bumpy on a flat expressway, to prevent tire blowout.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. What marking is it?

A. A cross-hatched marking

B. prohibitive area

C. guide line

D. central circle


6. When a vehicle goes downhill, the driver should properly control the speed and fully use the engine to brake.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. How to run in this situation?

A. stop and yield to the opposite car

B. turn on the left-turn signal and run on the left side

C. turn on the head lights to let the other side yield

D. speed up to bypass the obstacle and then cross the other vehicle


8. What kind of lane that the red car running in?

A. fast lane

B. slow lane

C. emergency lane

D. special lane


9. What kind of violation does this vehicle on road have?

A. not hang the license plate as required

B. deliberately cover the license plate

C. occupy the lane for non-motorized vehicles

D. run in the opposite direction


10. It lights to indicate that ______

A. the head fog light is turned on

B. the low beam light is turned on

C. the high beam light is turned on

D. the tail fog light is turned on


11. When passing through an inundated road, the driver should ________.

A. Reduce speed and go slowly

B. Maintain the normal speed and pass

C. slide over in the neutral gear

D. Speed up and pass


12. Driving a small passenger vehicle at 100km/hr on the expressway, the minimum distance from the vehicle in front is _____ .

A. not less than 20 meters

B. not less than 10 meters

C. not less than 50 meters

D. not less than 30 meters


13. How long is the period of probation after a motorized vehicle driver obtains his driving license for the first time or the permission to drive higher level vehicles.

A. 6 months

B. 12 months

C. 2 years

D. 3 months


14. When passing a section of a mountain road which is prone to landside and mudflow, the driver should not stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. When an accident has caused congestion on an expressway, the vehicles may run in the emergency strip on the right or in the shoulder of the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. How to do first when encountering such kind of bridge?

A. maintain the speed and pass

B. speed up and pass as soon as possible

C. stop and observe

D. pass slowly


17. It lights when turning on the front high beam lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. customs inspection

B. stop-for-inspection

C. frontier inspection

D. no passing


19. What causes the rear-end collision?

A. not observe through the rear-view mirror while the vehicle in front brakes

B. the vehicle in front brakes suddenly

C. distance from the vehicle in front is too close when the rear vehicle overtakes

D. not maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front


20. Whats the meaning of the white broken line by the carriage on the right side road?

A. allowed to temporarily cross

B. prohibited from crossing

C. emergency lanes dividing line

D. crosswalk dividing line


21. This sign indicates intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. reduce speed and yield

B. variable lane

C. separated road

D. two-way traffic


23. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway mileage No.

B. expressway border plate No.

C. expressway name No.

D. expressway section No.


24. How to turn right in this intersection?

A. turn right directly

B. turn right at the front of the opposite car in advance

C. honk to urge

D. let the opposite car turn left first


25. When crossing each other on a narrow road, the driver should slow down, yield and stop first.

A. Right

B. Wrong
