
1. May stop temporarily in the lane for non-motorized vehicles in this section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. A person can not apply the motorized vehicle driving license, if he has been held for criminal liabilities according to law because of driving after drinking and causing a major traffic accident.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. stop to yield

B. no stopping temporarily

C. no entry

D. no long stopping


4. An unregistered motorized vehicle should have _________ if it has to run on the road temporarily.

A. certificate of legal origin

B. license plate for temporary moving

C. borrowed license plate

D. certificate of legal unit


5. The main impact of the road conditions in icy and snowy weather is ______.

A. The electric equipment can easily get wet and cause short circuit

B. The visibility is lower and the field of vision is blurred

C. The resistance to the vehicle increases

D. Poor braking performance and Side pulling


6. This sign indicates obstacle ahead and bypassing from left side.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. Let the straight-going vehicle go first at this intersection.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. In which situation that a driver will not allowed to drive?

A. penalty points reach 10 points

B. penalty points reach 6 points

C. driving license lost or destroyed

D. driving license is nearly expired


9. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. water channel

B. bridge

C. tunnel

D. Culvert


10. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road should be required to be with a license plate.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Which kind of vehicle can be initially applied for when one reaches 20 years old?

A. large truck

B. large bus

C. midsize bus

D. trailer


12. What kind of marking are the double yellow solid lines in the middle of the road?

A. auxiliary marking

B. warning sign

C. prohibitive marking

D. indicative marking


13. The police can detain the vehicle if one drives a vehicle without ______

A. vehicle license

B. qualification certificate

C. ID card

D. pass paper


14. Before the motorized vehicle runs on the road, the driver should check the safety and technical performance of the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


15. If a motorized vehicle driver escapes after causing a major traffic accident which has caused human death, the driver is subject to a prison term of ________.

A. more than 7 years

B. less than 3 years

C. 3 ~ 7 years

D. more than 10 years


16. When driving a motorized vehicle uphill, you should speed up and honk when you going to reach the top of the slope.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. embankment road

B. steep uphill road

C. continuous up slopes

D. steep downhill road


18. The validity of the driving license which is initially applied for is 6 years.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. expressway mileage No.

B. expressway border plate No.

C. expressway name No.

D. expressway section No.


20. How to drive in this section?

A. occupy the road of the other side to pass the curve

B. drive along the middle of the curve

C. speed up and honk to pass

D. reduce speed and honk


21. What is the max speed when down slope, turning around and U turn?

A. 50km/hr

B. 60km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 40km/hr


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. right-turn lane

B. U turn lane

C. left-turn lane

D. straight-going lane


23. When a vehicle goes down a long slope, it should run at a lower gear and fully use the engine to brake.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Which kind of vehicle can be applied for when initially applying for the driving license?

A. midsize bus

B. large bus

C. ordinary motor tricycle

D. trailer


25. When a vehicle reaches a muddy or burst-and-muddy section, the driver should stop,observe and select the level and solid section or the section with vehicle tracks.

A. Right

B. Wrong
