
1. When a vehicle passes a school or a residential area, the driver should observe the signs and markings, go slowly and refrain from honking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. If a motorized vehicle driver reaches 12 penalty points during the period of probation, the probation qualification should be revoked.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. When a motorized vehicle goes at night through an intersection that has no traffic lights, the driver should not use the high and low beam lights alternately.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. When a vehicle starts to move at night, the driver should first turn on the low beam light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. How to use lights when pulling over on road?

A. turn on the hazard lights

B. turn on the right-turn signal in advance

C. use the high and low beam lights alternately

D. not need to use any light to indicate


6. The red car can run in this lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. When encountering a vehicle in the opposite direction forcing its way by using his lane, the driver should __________.

A. Force the other side to drive by the right side

B. Use the high beam light to warn the other side

C. Voluntarily yield to the other side

D. Go ahead by the center of the road


8. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. crosswalk lights

B. watch for pedestrians

C. attention to traffic lights

D. intersection


9. What marking is the white solid lines in the circle?

A. guide lanes lines

B. variable guide lanes lines

C. direction guide lines

D. one-way driving lines


10. What kind of marking is the yellow broken line in the center of the road?

A. indicative marking

B. prohibitive marking

C. warning sign

D. auxiliary marking


11. When a vehicle passes a crosswalk, the driver should yield to the pedestrians.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bump road

B. high outburst road

C. low-lying road

D. hump bridge


13. If a vehicle may encounter a vehicle coming in the opposite direction in the course of overtaking, the driver should speed up in advance and overtake.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. Within the validity of the Admission Form, the times of test reservation for Driving Skills of subject 2 and subject 3 can not exceed ______

A. 3 times

B. 4 times

C. 5 times

D. 6 times


15. Traffic Signs and traffic markings are not traffic signals.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. The light switch is in this position, front fog lights turn on

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Which is correct when learning driving on road?

A. drive the corresponding coach car with coach sitting by to guide

B. drive the corresponding coach car alone

C. drive the corresponding coach car with other one who is not a coach sitting by to guide

D. drive the private car with coach sitting by to guide


18. In such road sections, you can enter the cross-hatched marking area to wait.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. Which lane to choose when turning left in this intersection?

A. the far left lane

B. middle lane

C. not need to change lane

D. the far right lane


20. The main impact of the road conditions at night on safe driving is ________.

A. The visibility is low and unfavorable for observing road traffic conditions

B. The road surface is complex and changing

C. The physical strength of the driver decreases

D. The driver can easily have impulse and illusion


21. If a motorized vehicle driver causes a traffic accident and runs away but his conduct does not constitute a crime, he is subject to a 12-point penalty.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Do not start up a vehicle when the door or compartment is not properly closed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. When seeing a watch for children sign while driving, the driver should _______.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Bypass

C. Maintain the normal speed

D. Carefully select a speed


24. A motorized vehicle driver who deliberately covered or stained the license plate and placed the license plate unproperly, is subject to a ________.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 6-point penalty

D. 12-point penalty


25. This sign indicates intersection ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong
