
1. A vehicle is not allowed to make a U turn on the ramp of an expressway.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. What does the traffic light mean?

A. no right turn

B. intersection warning

C. going straight is allowed

D. speed up and pass


3. When a vehicle wades across the water, the driver should maintain a low speed, and _____ the brake pedal so as to restore the braking efficiency.

A. Continuously and strongly depress

B. Intermittently and strongly depress

C. Continuously and gently depress

D. Intermittently and gently depress


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. crosswalk

B. students passage

C. watch for pedestrians

D. childrens passage


5. A motorized vehicle driver who uses falsified and altered license plate is subject to a ________.

A. 2-point penalty

B. 3-point penalty

C. 12-point penalty

D. 6-point penalty


6. Which should be taken along while driving?

A. vocational qualification certificate

B. ID card

C. driving license

D. work permits


7. At night, the drivers observation is markedly poorer than in the daytime and the range of visibility range is _______.

A. Unchanged

B. Irregular

C. Longer

D. Shorter


8. May not drive if _____

A. the window is not closed

B. the door is not closed

C. the audio device is not closed

D. the roof window is not closed


9. You can drive directly into the expressway from this position.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. provincial highway No.

B. national highway No.

C. county road No.

D. township road No.


11. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. embankment road

B. cliffside road

C. waterside road

D. slippery road


12. What does this symbol indicate?

A. luggage compartment is opened

B. engine compartment is opened

C. cover of fuel tank is opened

D. door of one side is opened


13. When a motorized vehicle crosses a non-motorized vehicle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night, the motorized vehicle should use the high beam light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14. When the green arrow for a lane is on and there are still pedestrians in the crosswalk before the vehicle, the driver should ___________.

A. Directly start up and pass

B. Start up and bypass the pedestrians from behind

C. Start up and bypass before the pedestrians

D. Start up after the pedestrians have passed


15. What is the max speed on a road covered by ice and snow

A. 50km/hr

B. 40km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 20km/hr


16. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. minimum speed limit is 80km/hr

B. average speed is 80km/hr

C. maximum speed limit is 80km/hr

D. 80km/hr speed limit ban is lifted


17. What is the max speed when passing a level crossing?

A. 15km/hr

B. 20km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 40km/hr


18. If a driving license has been revoked as it is obtained by deception, bribery or other illegal means, the applicant is not allowed to re-apply for it within ______

A. 6 months

B. 1 year

C. 2 years

D. 3 years


19. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. stopping temporarily is allowed

B. long stopping is allowed

C. no long stopping

D. no stopping


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. distance to a tourist area

B. direction of a tourist area

C. symbol of a tourist area

D. category of a tourist area


21. The contents of subject 2 test for small motor vehicle include Reversing stall parking, stopping at the appointed position and setting off on a slope, pulling over, driving by S-shaped line, sharp turning.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. landslide section

B. construction section

C. factory ahead

D. jammed road


23. How far away should the warning sign be placed in the coming direction when this vehicle breaks down and stops temporarily on the expressway?

A. beyond 150m

B. 50~150m

C. within 50m

D. 50~100m


24. Pull down the switch of the turn signal, right-turn signal is on.

A. Right

B. Wrong


25. Whats the meaning of the white broken line by the carriage on the right side road?

A. allowed to temporarily cross

B. prohibited from crossing

C. emergency lanes dividing line

D. crosswalk dividing line
