
1. Stop and yield to the pedestrians under this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. If the vehicle license of a motorized vehicle are lost, the vehicle owner should apply to the vehicle management station at the registration place for reissuing.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. If a small motor vehicle driver has assumed equal or main liability for a traffic accident causing human deaths, and his driving license has not been revoked, it shall be checked within 30 days after the end of the scoring cycle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. electric bicycles may go

B. parking space for non-motorized vehicles

C. parking area for non-motorized vehicles

D. non-motorized vehicles may go


5. When a vehicle runs on an expressway at the speed of 100 kilometers per hour, its safe distance from the vehicle in front is not less than 100 meters.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. When driving in a heavy rain, the driver should control the speed to avoid the danger arising from water slide.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. If a motorized vehicle has reached the states mandatory write-off standard, its registration will not be handled.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. What marking is the road mark?

A. crosswalk ahead

B. intersection ahead

C. reduce speed and yield ahead

D. stop to yield ahead


9. It lights when turning on the rear fog light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. When a vehicle is being overtaken by another vehicle, and there is a vehicle following behind, the driver should _____.

A. continue to speed up and run

B. turn slightly to the right side, keep a safe horizontal distance

C. run by road center

D. speed up to the right side to yield


11. A driver should buckled up before the vehicle moves.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. When a vehicle passes a narrow road or bridge, it is prohibited from overtaking.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. Which of the following vehicle in front in the same lane is not allowed to be overtaken?

A. police car on duty

B. large bus or large truck

C. taxis

D. public bus


14. Whats the meaning of the white solid line in the middle of the road?

A. unilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

B. same direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed

C. bilateral same direction lanes dividing line that can be crossed

D. opposite direction lanes dividing line that can not be crossed


15. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. water channel

B. bridge

C. tunnel

D. Culvert


16. This sign warns the driver there have traffic lights ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Whats the meaning of the marking in the red circle?

A. temporary stopping

B. bay-stopping

C. emergency stopping

D. public bus station


18. A driver applies for the driving license for the first time and is during the period of probation, he can drive a motorized vehicle on expressway alone.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19. A vehicle should try to speed up after starting from the roadside and rapidly turn left into the traffic flow on the road.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles


21. When reaching an intersection, a left-turning vehicle may enter the left-turn waiting area anytime.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Which kind of vehicle can be applied for when initially applying for the driving license?

A. midsize bus

B. large bus

C. ordinary motor tricycle

D. trailer


23. If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident and constitutes a crime, his driving license should be revoked and he is banned _____ from re-obtaining a driving license.

A. within 5 years

B. within 10 years

C. within 20 years

D. for lifetime


24. What pedal is it?

A. accelerator pedal

B. clutch pedal

C. handbrake

D. the brake pedal


25. How to pass the intersection when running straight

A. turn on the hazard lights and pass

B. directly speed up and pass straight

C. yield to the vehicle from the right road

D. yield to the vehicle from the left road
