
1. What is the time limit of deferred license checking due to military service, abroad and other reasons?

A. 3 years

B. 5 years

C. 1 years

D. 2 years


2. A person whose driving license has been destroyed cannot drive a motorized vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. Whats the role of the prohibitive sign?

A. indicate the vehicles to go ahead

B. warn danger ahead

C. prohibit or restrict from doing

D. tell the direction information


4. It lights when ABS is open.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5. When driving a vehicle through an inundated road with non-motorized vehicles on both sides, the driver should _________.

A. Reduce speed and go slowly

B. Go forward normally

C. Speed up and pass

D. Continuously honk


6. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway, the driver should place a warning sign 50 meters ~ 100 meters in the coming direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. If the drivers household register has moved out of the original vehicle management station, the driver should apply to the vehicle management station _______ .

A. At the former place of his household register

B. At the residential place

C. At the new place of his household register

D. At the location of his household register


8. ABS system can maximize the braking efficiency when conducting _______

A. braking intermittently

B. braking continuously

C. applying emergency braking

D. gently depressing the brake pedal


9. Which of the following vehicle in front in the same lane is not allowed to be overtaken?

A. large bus or large truck

B. fire engine on duty

C. public bus

D. taxis


10. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. slippery section

B. sharp curve

C. test driving section

D. curve section


11. When a vehicle changes to the right lane, the driver should turn on the right-turn signal in advance, observe and enter the new lane if it is safe to do so.

A. Right

B. Wrong


12. Which kind of vehicles are allowed to run in the lane with this marking on road?

A. public transport vehicles

B. private vehicles

C. taxis

D. official vehicles


13. The yellow lane-dividing line on the road is used to _____

A. allow to drive in left lane

B. separate the traffic flow in opposite directions

C. separate the traffic flow in the same direction

D. prohibit to cross the opposite lane


14. How to run when encountering this situation?

A. speed up to enter the lane of either side

B. enter the right lane

C. reduce speed and enter the lane of either side

D. can not run in the lane of neither side


15. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. left curve or need to merge with the left flow ahead

B. right curve or need to merge with the right flow ahead

C. merge with the left flow due to right side obstacle ahead

D. left curve or need to bypass from left side ahead


16. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. internal car park

B. special car park

C. uncovered car park

D. indoor car park


17. When a driver needs to borrow a lane to bypass an obstacle in front and a vehicle in the opposite direction is approaching the obstacle, the driver should ___________.

A. Reduce speed or stop and yield to the vehicle coming in the opposite direction

B. Speed up and bypass the obstacle in advance

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in the opposite direction to yield

D. Rapidly occupy the lane and force the vehicle coming in the opposite direction to stop and yield


18. This set of the hand signals of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should ____ .

A. turn right

B. change lane

C. reduce speed and pass slowly

D. pull over


19. When a vehicle changes lane, the driver should turn on the turn signal and rapidly enter the new lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong


20. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. danger-avoiding lane

B. emergency lane

C. road shoulder

D. sharp curve


21. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. Y-shaped intersection ahead

B. separate road ahead

C. only left or right turn ahead

D. merging with both sides ahead


22. What is this manipulation device?

A. switch of reverse light

B. switch of wiper

C. switch of the hazard lights

D. combination switch of lights and signals


23. When a vehicle passes a sharp curve, it may overtake if traffic is light.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. How to drive in this section?

A. occupy the road of the other side to pass the curve

B. drive along the middle of the curve

C. speed up and honk to pass

D. reduce speed and honk


25. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. bypass from right side

B. one-way passing

C. watch for danger

D. bypass from left side
