
1. What does this symbol indicate?

A. switch of high beam lights

B. switch of the low beam lights

C. master switch of vehicle lights

D. the switch of tail fog light


2. A qualified driver should not only be technically adept, but more importantly have good driving habits and ethical attainments.

A. Right

B. Wrong


3. When the green arrow for a lane is on and there are still pedestrians in the crosswalk before the vehicle, the driver should ___________.

A. Directly start up and pass

B. Start up and bypass the pedestrians from behind

C. Start up and bypass before the pedestrians

D. Start up after the pedestrians have passed


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. landslide section

B. construction section

C. factory ahead

D. jammed road


5. If a vehicle enters a left lane for overtaking but is unable to ensure a safe horizontal distance with the normally-running vehicle in front, the driver should ________.

A. Speed up and overtake

B. Overtake after running a distance in parallel

C. Give up overtaking

D. Overtake with care


6. Traffic Police can detain the driver according to law, if the driver drives a motorized vehicle which is suspected of reaching the write-off standard.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. It lights to remind that the driver‘s seat is not adjusted properly.

A. Right

B. Wrong


8. When a driver suddenly encounters a vehicle in the opposite direction that forces its way by overtaking and occupying his lane, the driver may refuse to avoid it and force it to yieldto you.

A. Right

B. Wrong


9. What is this instrument?

A. speed and mileage meter

B. engine tachometer

C. top speed meter

D. fuel consumption / 100 km


10. Within how long should a driver whose information has changed apply for new license?

A. 30 days

B. 40 days

C. 50 days

D. 60 days


11. What markings are the two double yellow broken lines on the road?

A. two-way lanes dividing line

B. variable lane line

C. lane-dividing line that can be crossed

D. one-way lanes dividing line


12. Whats the meaning of this guide arrow?

A. indicate turning left or making a U turn ahead

B. indicate going straight or turning left ahead

C. indicate going straight or changing to left lane ahead

D. indicate going straight or making a U turn ahead


13. Which illegal conduct is subject to a 12-point penalty

A. violate traffic lights

B. use falsified license plate

C. call or answer the mobile phone

D. violate prohibitive signs


14. What is the max speed when in or out of the lane for non-motorized vehicles?

A. 40km/hr

B. 50km/hr

C. 60km/hr

D. 30km/hr


15. Whats the role of the prohibitive sign?

A. indicate the vehicles to go ahead

B. warn danger ahead

C. prohibit or restrict from doing

D. tell the direction information


16. When crossing each other on a narrow road, the driver should slow down, yield and stop first.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. If the registration paper, license plate and vehicle license of a motorized vehicle are lost or destroyed, the vehicle owner should apply for reissuing or replacing them to the _______________.

A. traffic police detachment vehicle management station at the residential place

B. vehicle management station at the issuing place of the driving license

C. vehicle management station at the registration place

D. local police station


18. In which situation should a small car driver need check?

A. the end of a scoring cycle

B. change driving license due to expiration

C. fail to reach 12 points in one scoring cycle

D. reach 12 points in one scoring cycle


19. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. national boundaries

B. border defense

C. boundaries

D. customs


20. It lights when ABS is open.

A. Right

B. Wrong


21. It lights when turning on the front high beam lights.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. No running into the middle lane when encountering this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. Driving and smoking has no harm on safe driving.

A. Right

B. Wrong


24. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. change to right lane

B. branching point

C. road surface becomes wider

D. the number of lanes increases


25. When a vehicle passes a sharp curve, it may overtake if traffic is light.

A. Right

B. Wrong
