
1. Do not start up a vehicle when the door or compartment is not properly closed.

A. Right

B. Wrong


2. If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident and constitutes a crime, his driving license should be revoked and he is banned _____ from re-obtaining a driving license.

A. within 5 years

B. within 10 years

C. within 20 years

D. for lifetime


3. When running on an expressway that has four lanes in the same direction, the vehicles whose speed is higher than 110 kilometers per hour should run ______.

A. The far left lane

B. The second left lane

C. The far right lane

D. The third left lane


4. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. driving at reduced speed in the section of 40 meters

B. minimum speed is 40km/hr

C. maximum speed is 40km/hr

D. 40km/hr speed limit ban is lifted


5. When there is a continuous rain, the shoulders of the mountain roads may become loose and the embankments may collapse. When driving in this weather, the driver should select the middle solid road and refrain from going close to the roadsides.

A. Right

B. Wrong


6. Cannot make a U turn in this section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


7. The hazard lights can be used when ________

A. encountering traffic congestion

B. following a vehicle on road

C. the vehicle breaks down and stops

D. leading the vehicle behind


8. What should the driver do when encountering a vehicle from the opposite direction on a road without a central line?

A. driving closely by the roadside

B. driving by the central of the road

C. reducing speed and driving by right side

D. run by using the lane for non-motorized vehicles


9. If a motorized vehicle driver allows his vehicle to be driven by a person whose driving license has been detained, the traffic police will serve an oral warning.

A. Right

B. Wrong


10. This sign warns the driver there is school area ahead.

A. Right

B. Wrong


11. Which is subject to a 6-point penalty?

A. violate the traffic lights

B. drive school bus without qualification

C. drive the vehicle which permission is different

D. drive after drink


12. A motorized vehicle can make a U turn on this road as long as it does not interfere other vehicles.

A. Right

B. Wrong


13. On which kind of city road a vehicle is not allowed to overtake?

A. main streets

B. one-way section

C. section with heavy traffic flow

D. two one-way lanes


14. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. watch for animals

B. watch for wildlife

C. Wildlife Sanctuary

D. Large-scale farms


15. It is not safe for a woman driver to wear high heels to drive a vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


16. When a vehicle passes a curve on a mountain road, the driver should reduce speed, honk and stick to the right.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17. Before the motorized vehicle runs on the road, the driver should check the safety and technical performance of the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong


18. Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. U turn

B. reversing

C. left turn

D. bypassing


19. The cycle for recording the accumulated penalty points for violating road traffic regulations is ____________.

A. 14 months

B. 12 months

C. 6 months

D. 10 months


20. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles


21. Overtaking is allowed when passing a level crossing in city where no train passes.

A. Right

B. Wrong


22. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road in violation of road traffic regulations shall be subject to relevant punishment.

A. Right

B. Wrong


23. When a vehicle encounters a bike rider coming in the opposite direction on the road, the driver should _________.

A. Continuously change the high and low bean lights

B. Continuously honk

C. Use the low beam light, reduce speed or stop to evade

D. Use the high beam light


24. What is the main role of the seat belt when there is a collision?

A. to protect the driver and passengers necks

B. to protect the driver and passengers chests

C. to reduce the injuries of the driver and passengers

D. to protect the driver and passengers waists


25. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway, the persons on board should swiftly move to the right side road shoulder or emergency lane, and report to the police rapidly.

A. Right

B. Wrong
